Senin, 31 Oktober 2016


Ivan Taniputera.
31 Oktober 2016.
Belakangan ini terbetik isu bahwa pada tanggal 4 November 2016 akan berlangsung demonstrasi besar-besaran, yang dikhawatirkan berujung pada kerusuhan. Oleh karena itu, beberapa orang sahabat meminta saya menelaah berdasarkan astrologi apa yang sekiranya akan terjadi pada tanggal tersebut. Guna menjawab pertanyaan para sahabat tersebut saya lalu menulis artikel ini.
Berikut ini adalah diagram horary astrology terkait pertanyaan tersebut.

Kita akan memusatkan perhatian pada rumah kedelapan yang melambangkan keamanan umum. Nampak terdapat Neptunus yang mengalami pengaruh baik berupa Trine dengan Matahari, Bulan, dan Merkurius. Ini merupakan sesuatu yang baik dan dapat ditafsirkan bahwa keamanan umum pada tanggal tersebut tidak akan mengalami gangguan berarti.
Selain itu nampak bahwa Neptunus mendapatkan pengaruh baik berupa Sextile dengan Pluto beserta Mars. Ini melambangkan bahwa angkatan perang dan kepolisian telah siap mengerahkan anggotanya masing-masing demi menghadapi segala kemungkinan. Tetapi jika diperhatikan lagi, terdapat pengaruh buruk terhadap Neptunus berupa Square dengan Venus dan Saturnus. Jadi, dapat ditafsirkan bahwa pada tanggal tersebut memang ada tindakan-tindakan yang melanggar hukum; tetapi karena pengaruh baik lebih banyak, maka dapat ditafsirkan bahwa semua itu tidak akan memberikan dampak berarti. Para pelaku akan berhasil ditindak dengan tegas.
Terdapat juga Grand Trine yang sangat baik dan melambangkan perlindungan.
Kini kita akan beralih pada analisa berdasarkan Yijing. Didapatkan heksagram 24, yang melambangkan berlalunya kekacauan dan bangkitnya keberuntungan. Oleh karenanya, Yijing sekali pun juga mengindikasikan tidak adanya kekacauan. Ramalan horary astrology dan Yijing selaras dalam hal ini.
Karenanya, menilik hasil analisa di atas, tanggal 4 November 2016, TIDAK akan terjadi kekacauan berarti, dan secara umum aman-aman saja. Namun untuk antisipasi lebih baik jika tidak perlu benar jangan keluar rumah. Kita dapat menggunakan waktu tersebut untuk merenung dan introspeksi diri.
Terlepas dari semua itu, marilah kita berdoa agar negara yang kita cintai senantiasa tetap aman dan bersatu. Kita berdoa agar semua pihak yang berupa memecah belah kesatuan negara dapat segera dibekuk. Pancasila tetap sakti. Semboyan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika agar tetap lestari dan berjaya. Selanjutnya, kita juga hendaknya menahan diri dari menyebarkan isu-isu tidak bertanggung jawab. Dengan menyebarkan isu tidak bertanggung jawab, maka kita telah secara tidak langsung mendukung pihak-pihak yang memancing di air keruh. Saran terbaik adalah tetap tenang dan waspada.
Artikel menarik lainnya mengenai ramalan, Astrologi, Fengshui, Bazi, Ziweidoushu, dan lain-lain silakan kunjungi: . . . . . . . .. 
PERHATIAN: Sebagai tambahan, saya tidak memberikan analisa atau konsultasi gratis. Saya sering menerima email atau message yang meminta analisa gratis. Ini adalah sesuatu yang sia-sia dan juga sangat mengganggu saya. Jika ingin berkonsultasi atau saya analisa, maka itu berbayar. Oleh karenanya, jika Anda ingin analisa atau konsultasi gratis maka mohon agar tidak menghubungi saya. Demikian harap maklum.

Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016


Dà wēilì wū shū sè mó míngwáng jīng
Great Power of Ucchusma Vidyarajni Sutra
Taisho Tripitaka 1227
Translated from Chinese into English by Ivan Taniputera

This Sutra translation is far from perfect. Therefore, all comments and suggestions will be accepted gladly.
This translation may be reproduced and further disseminated, by NOT CHANGING anything (without add and omit anything) as written here.
This work is dedicated to Guru, Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha.


Lǐ yīqiè fú fù cì zhū púsà. Ěr shí huì zhōng wúliàng jù zhī míng xiān zhī suǒ wéi rào. Mó xī shǒu luó tiānwáng dà bù duō zhǔ. Cóng zuò ér qǐtóu miàn zhuó dì. Qián lǐ jīngāng shǒu púsà mó hē sà zú. Zuò shì yán púsà wéi yuàn yǎnshuō dà wēilì zhě. Bù kōng wú ài jiàolìng zhū. Wúbǐ lì yǒng jiàn zhě. Jīngāng púsà suǒ ài yuè zhě. Zhū tiān āxiūluó fàn wáng dì shì suǒ guī yǎng zhě. Yèchā luó shā pí duō ná bù dān nà suǒ bù wèi zhě. Jiàng yuàndí zhě. Bàn zhūshì zhě. Màntúluó fǎ suǒ mìmì zhě. Shí bǐ zhòng huìtóng zàn mó xī shǒu luó yán. Shànzāi shànzāi zuò yì shànzāi shànzāi dà bù duō zhǔ. Wèi wǒ děng lèi juédìng quàn qǐng.
Homage to all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.  At that congregation uncountable gods circumbulated Buddha to pay respect toward Him (pradaksina, a custom of ancient India). Many kings of Mahesvara gods rise from their seat and bow down with their head touch the feet of Vajrapani Bodhisattva Mahasattva. They ask Vajrapani to bestow the teaching about  great power; unhindered power which grants unmatched strength  and vitality. Vajrapani because of his loving kindness is very happy.  All gods, asuras, Brahmas and Indra, direct their attention.  Yaksa, raksa, biduona, putana, and the like are frightened. They drop their enmity in dealing with that very secret mandala teaching (Dharma Mandala).  At that time, in the middle of that congregation Vajrapani praises, "Very good, very good, kings of Mahesvara God.  You ask me such question.
爾時金剛手菩薩。逶迤抽擲金剛杵已。便下金剛莊嚴蓮華之座。顧彼眾會。即入 怖畏金剛大忿怒遍喜三摩地。然後無量百千俱胝所為報障有。皆大振懾悉見其身。為 烏樞瑟摩所押伏。命將欲盡。如遇劫燒其意迷悶。俱發聲言唯願哀憐施之無畏
Ěr shí jīngāng shǒu púsà. Wēiyí chōu zhì jīngāng chǔ yǐ. Biàn xià jīngāng zhuāngyán liánhuá zhī zuò. Gù bǐ zhòng huì. Jí rù bù wèi jīngāng dà fèn nù biàn xǐ sān mó de. Ránhòu wúliàng bǎi qiān jù zhī suǒwéi bào zhàng yǒu. Jiē dà zhèn shè xī jiàn qí shēn. Wèi wū shū sè mó suǒ yā fú. Mìng jiāng yù jǐn. Rú yù jié shāo qí yì mí mèn. Jù fāshēng yán wéi yuàn āilián shī zhī wúwèi
Vajrapani Bodhisattva draws his vajra pestle.  He descends his glorious vajra lotus seat and gazes at all congregation members.  He enters great formidable meditation (samadhi), which is able to hinder uncountable threats toward his body.
爾時金剛手菩薩摩訶薩。從三摩地安詳而起。告徒眾言。大威德者大光明者大忿 怒者如汝所言。如是薄伽梵大威德者大忿怒者大光明者
Ěr shí jīngāng shǒu púsà mó hē sà. Cóng sān mó de ānxiáng ér qǐ. Gào tú zhòng yán. Dà wēi dé zhě dà guāngmíng zhě dà fèn nù zhě rú rǔ suǒ yán. Rúshì báojiāfàn dà wēi dé zhě dà fèn nù zhě dà guāngmíng zhě.
Vajrapani Bodhisattva from his serene meditation tells the congregation, "That great power is the great brilliant fury.  Such anger is called great fury of World Honoured One (Bhagava, one title of Buddha), so it is great and brilliant.
爾時薄伽梵金剛手菩薩摩訶薩。如師子顧作此瞻視唱如是言。大部多主我今說烏 樞瑟摩祕密曼荼羅法。若暫聞者一切事業皆悉成就。不有非時夭橫。但諸惡事皆不及 身。毘那夜迦伺不得便。一切眾生之所愛敬。一切怨敵常皆遠離。一切密言皆得成驗 。諸金剛法任運當成。一切不祥即得解脫。一切吉慶常當加護。若持此明滿十千遍。 即同登壇具足灌頂。如遇明師之所傳授。次復當陳烏樞瑟摩曼荼羅相
Ěr shí báojiāfàn jīngāng shǒu púsà mó hē sà. Rú shī zi gù zuò cǐ zhān shì chàng rúshì yán. Dà bù duō zhǔ wǒ jīn shuō wū shū sè mó mìmì màntúluó fǎ. Ruò zàn wén zhě yīqiè shìyè jiē xī chéngjiù. Bù yǒu fēi shí yāo héng. Dàn zhū è shì jiē bùjí shēn. Pí nà yè jiā cì bùdé biàn. Yīqiè zhòngshēng zhī suǒ àijìng. Yīqiè yuàndí cháng jiē yuǎnlí. Yīqiè mì yán jiē dé chéng yàn. Zhū jīngāng fǎ rèn yùn dàngchéng. Yīqiè bùxiáng jí dé jiětuō. Yīqiè jíqìng cháng dāng jiāhù. Ruò chí cǐ míng mǎn shíqiān biàn. Jí tóng dēngtán jùzú guàndǐng. Rú yù míng shī zhī suǒ chuánshòu. Cì fù dāng chén wū shū sè mó màntúluó xiāng.
Buddha looks at Vajrapani Bodhisattva as if teacher to his disciple and speaks: "Multitude lords of gods, I will reveal the secret Mandala teaching.  If you hear this Dharma, it can bring accomplishment.  You won't die prematurely. All evil things can not threat your body. Vinayaka will protect you. Everybody will respect you.  His/her life will be encompassed by luck. If you practise it ten thousand times perfectly,  together with its altar and abhisekas, according to what teacher has revealed it to you. Arrange each of its Sima mandala.
先應具受三歸 八戒。發菩提心慈慧悲愍。其立壇地應當擇處。若於山間或在莊居。或於曠野或在寒 林。或在淨室或河岸側。或獨樹下或閑宅祠宇。如法治地建曼荼羅。三肘四肘或復八 肘亦十六肘。若降伏法三肘三角。作若寂災法四肘或八肘。若增益法及為國王十六肘 作。用黑月八日。或黑月十四日。以心密言加持清水用灑其地。又以紫檀摩一圓壇
Xiān yīng jù shòu sān guī bā jiè. Fā pútíxīn cíhuì bēi mǐn. Qí lì tán dì yìng dāng zé chù. Ruò yú shān jiàn huò zài zhuāng jū. Huò yú kuàngyě huò zài hán lín. Huò zài jìng shì huò hé'àn cè. Huò dú shùxià huò xián zhái cí yǔ. Rú fǎzhì dì jiàn màntúluó. Sān zhǒu sì zhǒu huò fù bā zhǒu yì shíliù zhǒu. Ruò xiángfú fǎ sān zhǒu sānjiǎo. Zuò ruò jì zāi fǎ sì zhǒu huò bā zhǒu. Ruò zēngyì fǎ jí wèi guówáng shíliù zhǒu zuò. Yòng hēi yuè bā rì. Huò hēi yuè shísì rì. Yǐ xīn mì yán jiāchí qīngshuǐ yòng sǎ qí de. Yòu yǐ zǐtán mó yīyuán tán.
First, you should take three refuges (Triple Jewel: Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha) and eight precepts. Generate Bodhi heart, compassion, wisdom, and loving kindness.  Build altar and select the place, which may be mountain, village, wilderness, clean room, river bank, below the tree, or in the room of a residence and temple.  Build mandala according to Dharma.  The dimension could be three, four, or eight hastas (elbow, measurement unit of ancient India).  It can be also sixteen hastas.  For subjugation Dharma (abhicaruka) the dimension should three hastas and three jiaos.  To pacify calamity the dimension should be four or eight hastas.  To increase your life like a king the dimension should be sixteen hastas.  The date is 8th or 14th according to lunar calendar (candrasengkala).  Recite mantra in your mind to bless clean water and sprinkle it to the ground.  Sprinkle grinded candana wood encircling that altar.
布以祥草上散赤迦囉尼囉花。以塗香眾花散於壇上。加持佉馱囉橛一百八遍。釘入大 壇四角及中成結地界。乃作根本遍擲印誦密言七遍。取紫檀遍塗地。以五色線拼為界 道。四角四門運以黃赤綠黑。乃於壇心畫佛。佛左傍畫金剛手菩薩。持杵。有諸使者 及金剛鉤明蛇。捧杵瞻仰菩薩。次右烏樞瑟摩明王
Bù yǐ xiáng cǎo shàng sàn chì jiā luō ní luō huā. Yǐ tú xiāng zhòng huā sàn yú tánshàng. Jiāchí qū tuó luō jué yībǎi bā biàn. Dīng rù dà tán sìjiǎo jí zhōng chéng jié dìjiè. Nǎi zuò gēnběn biàn zhì yìn sòng mì yán qī biàn. Qǔ zǐtán biàn tú dì. Yǐ wǔsè xiàn pīn wèi jiè
dào. Sìjiǎo sì mén yùn yǐ huáng chì lǜ hēi. Nǎi yú tán xīn huà fú. Fú zuǒ bàng huà jīngāng shǒu púsà. Chí chǔ. Yǒu zhū shǐzhě
jí jīngāng gōu míng shé. Pěng chǔ zhānyǎng púsà. Cì yòu wū shū sè mó míngwáng.
Spread fragrant grass on scattered  red Karuni flower.  Smear many kinds of fragrant flower on the altar. Read mantra 108 times to empower it. - Nail the four corner of that big altar to mark its middle part.  Recite secret dharani mantra (spell) seven times in sprinkling sandalwood to the ground. Use five coloured thread to mark its boundary. In each of its four sides create one gate and use the colour yellow, red, green, and black respectively.  In the middle of the altar place a painting of Buddha.  In the left side this painting place a painting of Vajrapani, who helds a vajra, together with all of his retinue and also vajra hook in the form of brilliant snake.  Offer vajra pestle to the Bodhisattva.  In the right side, place a painting of Ucchusma Vidyarajni.
持青難拏 (唐言棒) 以夜叉及阿修羅 眾。并訶利帝母及其愛子等為侍從。皆瞻仰明王。於東北角大自在天王執三股叉。并
妃。東方天帝釋執金剛杵。東南隅火天執了戾棒。南方閻羅王執那拏。西南方寧帝執 劍。西方水天執赤索。西北方風天執緋幡。北方毘沙門執伽那。三面畫毘舍蛇眾。東門內畫三股叉守護。以新瓶皆滿盛淨水及寶物五穀等。以綵色纏項。

Chí qīng nán ná (táng yán bàng) yǐ yèchā jí āxiūluó zhòng. Bìng hē lì dì mǔ jí qí àizǐ děng wèi shìcóng. Jiē zhānyǎng míngwáng. Yú dōngběi jiǎo dà zìzài tiānwáng zhí sāngǔ chā. Bìng fēi. Dōngfāng tiāndì shì zhí jīngāng chǔ. Dōngnán yú huǒ tiān zhíle lì bàng. Nánfāng yánluó wáng zhí nà ná. Xī nánfāng níng dì zhí jiàn. Xīfāng shuǐ tiān zhí chì suǒ. Xīběifāng fēng tiān zhí fēi fān. Běi fāng píshāmén zhí jiā nà. Sānmiàn huà pí shě shé zhòng. Dōngmén nèihuà sāngǔ chā shǒuhù. Yǐ xīn píng jiē mǎn shèngjìngshuǐ jí bǎowù wǔgǔ děng. Yǐ cǎi sè chán xiàng.
He holds a green rod to subdue multitude of yaksas and asuras (kind of demon); and also to arise the benefit and goodness of Mother Earth.  All pay homage to the Vidyarajni.  In the Northeast, place Mahesvara holds a trisula (three peaks spear). In the east, place Indra holds a vajra pestle. In the south east place Agni (God of fire) holds a club.  In the south place Yama holds a rod.  In the south place Ningdi holds a sword.  In the west, place Varuna (God of Water) holds red rope.  In the northwest, place Vayu (God of wind) holds a dark red banner. In the north, place Vaisramana holds a sword. Draw multitude of pisacha with three heads. In the eastern gate draw a trisula for protection.  Use new vase full of water to clen five kinds of barley.  Use five coloured string to tie the neck of that vase.

取一口瓶置佛前。安紫檀杵於口上。餘瓶皆以赤花或菓木枝塞口。四角四門各置一瓶。佛前置兩段衣服充供養。金剛聖眾乃至天等亦用衣服。每尊皆置飲食香花。壇外道梵行界道(壇外正方遺灰) 其瓶先加持一千八遍乃置之。請諸尊依法。引弟子誦金剛三昧耶密言。纔令弟子耳聞。散花所至彼尊有緣如法灌頂。若登此壇即同入一切曼荼羅訖。一切天魔毘那夜迦皆悉順伏。命終生阿拏迦嚩典宮(毘沙門天王宮)

Qǔ yīkǒu píng zhì fú qián. Ān zǐtán chǔ yú kǒushàng. Yú píng jiē yǐ chìhuā huò guǒ mù zhī sāi kǒu. Sìjiǎo sì mén gè zhì yī píng. Fú qián zhì liǎng duàn yīfú chōng gòngyǎng. Jīngāng shèng zhòng nǎizhì tiān děng yì yòng yīfú. Měi zūn jiē zhì yǐnshí xiānghuā. Tán wàidào fàn xíng jiè dào qí píng xiān jiāchí yīqiān bā biàn nǎi zhì zhī. Qǐng zhū zūn yīfǎ. Yǐn dìzǐ sòng jīngāng sānmèi yé mì yán. Cái lìng dìzǐ ěrwén. Sàn huā suǒ zhì bǐ zūn yǒuyuán rú fǎ guàndǐng. Ruò dēng cǐ tán jí tóng rù yīqiè màntúluóqì.Yīqiètiānmó pí nàyè jiā jiē xī shùn fú. Mìng zhōngshēng ā ná jiā mó diǎn gōng

Place a vase before the Buddha. On its top part place a violet sandalwood pestle. Then use red flower or wood of Mu three to seal its mouth. Put one of such vases in the four directions respectively. Offer two robes (or clothes) before the Buddha. [Visualize] that all vajra deities and multitude of gods wear those clothes. Food, drink, and fragrant flowers should be offered to the deities on the altar. Outside the altar is the realm of Brahma. All vases are blessed 1.008 times instantly, to make that everything is according to Dharma.  The disciples are then guided to  recite secret mantra of Vajrasamaya.  Let the disciples to open their ear. Scatter flowers as abhiseka ritual which is according to Dharma. Entering this altar can be considered as entering all mandalas.  All heavenly maras and vinayakas will submit to practioner's order. Later on practioners will be born in the Alakavati palace of Vaisravana.


Cì zhòng shuō wú shàng mìmì màn chá luó. Yǐ hēi yuè bā rì huò shísì rì. Kě chēngzàn dì ér jiànlì zhī. Sì zhǒu sì mén bù yǐ wǔsè. Huò zhuān huī mò yú zhōng huà fú. Cì yòu guān zìzài púsà. Cì yòu mǎtóu míngwáng dà fèn nù xíng. Fú zuǒ jīngāng shǒu púsà. Cì zuǒ dà wēilì wū shū sè me míngwáng dà fèn nù xíng. Fú qián mó me jī jīngāng bù mǔ. Sìjiǎo zhì yī píng fú qián yī píng. Yǐ bù jié cǎi fù zhī míngshèng píng. Wài tán dōngběi yú. Dà zìzài tiānwáng zhí sāngǔ chā bìng fēi. Yú yú yú huà bàn chǔ huò chǔ yìn. Yǐ xiānghuā yǐnshí gòngyǎng. Rú fǎ yǐn dìzǐ guàndǐng. Suǒyòng wù chōng yǐ xīn mì yán jiāchí
I will teach you again the innermost secret of Mandala. On the 8th and 14th day according to lunar calendar,  you can purify the ground and build a mandala, whose dimension is four hastas and decorated by five colours, and use brick dust to draw image of Buddha in its center. In the right side place image of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.  In the right side of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva place image of wrathful Hayagriva.  In the left side place the image of Vajrapani.  In the left side of Vajrapani place image of wrathful  Ucchusma. In front of Buddha place image of Mamaki, the Mother of Vajra family.  In the four corners put a vase respectively and also one vase before the Buddha.  Use uncut multicoloured cloth to cover the vases and then they should be called "Victorious Vase."  In the north east, place Mahesvara image holds trisula and also his consort. Draw a half Vajra and its seal.  Then offer incense, food, and drink.  Lead the disciples to attain abhiseka which according to Dharma. Use ritual object and secret mantra.


Cì qì xiāng. Gēnběn biàn zhì yìn. Xiān zhèng lì jílì yǐn zuǒzú dùn de. Xiàng zuǒ yà shēn. Yòushǒu wò dà zhǐ chéng quán. Shēn bì lìng shù. Zuǒshǒu wéi quán yuēzhe xīn. Shū tóu zhǐ rú zhēn. Méijiān pín cù mù dāng zhuānzhù. Cǐ biàn zhì yìn nǎi néng bù wèi zhū zhàng nàn zhě. Āxiūluó mén suǒyǒu guānjiàn yì néng cuī pò
The main mudra is as following.  Stand straight and stamp left foot to the earth.  Body slightly bend to the left side.  Make a fist with four finger (except thumb) of the right hand and raise it.  Make a fist with left hand and put it before the chest. Stretch its thumb as if a needle.  Frown your face,  open the eyes, and stare attentively.  This mudra can remove fear and obstacle. It can also block the rebirth into ashura (demi gods) realm. 

Dà fèn nù yìn. Bìng shuāng shǒu. Zhōng míng xiǎozhǐ děng hù yǐ miànxiàngzhe. Qí dà zhǐ niǎn qí sān zhǐjiǎ. Biàn xiāng wò chéng quán. Shū tóu zhǐ hé rú zhēn. Cǐ qì néng zuò yīqiè shìyè. Fù pū qǐng zhào pì chú zú wǔ. Yòu lìng yuǎnlí néng shā kū cuì hùshēn
Great anger mudra is as following.  Both palms face each other. Raise index fingers of both hands, but the other fingers (middle, ring, and small finger) bend toward inner side and touch each other. The nails of this three fingers are touch by thumb.  The purpose of this mudra is to bind, invite, summon,  dispel,  remove, dissolve, and also to destroy, wither, weary, and protect from far away.


Pǔ yàn yìn. Shǒubèi xiāngzhe zhǐtou chuíxià. Míng xià hézhǎng. Nǎi shēnjiāo zhū zhǐ. Èr xiǎozhǐ rú zhēn dàkāi zhǎng. Èr dà zhǐ hù niǎn tóu zhǐjiǎ cè. Cǐ qì néngchéng yīqiè shìyè
Universal flame mudra is as following.  All fingers of both palms touch each other and point downward. This is called joined palm pointing downward.  Middle and ring fingers then cross each other. Small fingers are wide open.  Thumbs touch index fingers' nail from their sides. This mudra is to accomplish all efforts.

Chǔ yìn shuāng shǒu nèi xiāng chā wèi quán. Shū zuǒ zhōng jí tóu zhǐ. Yòu zhōngtóu zhǐ yì rán. Èr zhōngzhǐ xiànghé. Wēi qū tóu zhǐ gè jìn zhōngzhǐ bàng. Dà zhǐ xiāng bìng yā wúmíng cè
Vajra mudra is as following. All fingers cross each other and form a fist.  Stretch out left middle finger. Right middle finger is also in such manner.  Both middle fingers touch each other on their tips and slightly bent.  Place thumbs inside the fist and touch the ring fingers' side.


Chē pěng yìn yòushǒu wò dàchéng quán

Holding chart mudra is as following.  Four fingers of right hand grasp the thumb and so forming a fist.


Jiǎndāo yìn jié cì qián yìn. Shū tóu zhōngzhǐ rú jiǎndāo gǔ. Xú dòng zhī
Scissor mudra is as following. Cross all fingers of both palms each other as before.  Stretch out middle fingers like a scissor and move them as if cutting something.
Dà qiáng yuàn yìn jié qián bàng yìn. Jí kāi èr tóu zhǐ
Great courtiyard wall mudra is as following. Similar to holding chart mudra as mentioned before but  stretch out both index fingers.

Dǐng yìn jié cì qián dà qiáng yuàn. Qū yòu tóu rù zhǎng rú yú zhǐ
Unisha Mudra is as following, similar to great courtiyard wall mudra as mentioned before.  Bent right index finger and place it inside the palm as other fingers.

Tóu yìn rú dà qiáng yuàn qū zuǒ tóu zhǐ rù zhī
Head Mudra is as following, similar to great courtiyard wall mudra. Bent left index finger and place it inside the palm as other fingers.

Jiǎ yìn zhǔn qiáng yuàn. Qū èr tóu zhǐ xiāng zhù rú huán. Cǐ yìn yǒu dà wēilì néng zuò yīqiè shìyè
Armor Mudra is as following. Similar to great courtiyard wall mudra.  Bent all index fingers and both tips touch eaach other. This mudra is very powerful and can accomplish all efforts.

復次畫像法。用徑方兩肘。依口酬價。乃以牛糞摩壇。豎緤於內。以赤花飲食供養。因食食良工圖如來像。坐師子座手作說法相 (以左手大指頭指頭相捻。並舒中名小三指右手亦然。及以左手仰掌。橫約著心。以右手腕著左手名小指等頭。以掌向外散其三指也)

Fù cì huàxiàng fǎ. Yòng jìng fāng liǎng zhǒu. Yī kǒu chóu jià. Nǎi yǐ niúfèn mó tán. Shù xiè yú nèi. Yǐ chìhuā yǐnshí gòngyǎng. Yīn shí shí liáng gōng tú rúlái xiàng. Zuò shī zǐ zuò shǒu zuò shuōfǎ xiāng
Furthermore, the Dharma of drawing image will be taught.  Use a square cloth whose the dimension of two hastas is with the suitable price. Use gomaya to rub the altar. Hang the cloth vertically inside the altar.  Offer red flowers, food, and drink.  Employ a painter to paint Buddha image.  Sit on the Dharma Master throne with the hands form turning Dharma Wheel Mudra.

如來左畫金剛手菩薩。右手執杵左作問法相 (並其五指微屈之如仰 形。引手向前掌向如來也)
Rúlái zuǒ huà jīngāng shǒu púsà. Yòushǒu zhí chǔ zuǒ zuò wèn fǎxiāng

In the Tathagata's left side paint Vajrapani Bodhisattva. His right hand holds a vajra. His left hand forms mudra of asking Dharma teaching.

次左畫大威力烏芻瑟麼明王。大忿怒形。目赤色通身靘黑色。舉體焰起而有四臂。右上手執劍。次下羂索。左上打車棒。下三股叉。器仗上並焰起。如來右金剛部母麼麼雞。多髮美貌通身靘色。胡跪合掌恭敬白佛。部母右行者。胡跪兩手執香爐供養。其緤勿經打污。無毛髮者。勿用臭色及有命之色。其畫匠每日受三歸八戒。長齋具大善心新衣清潔 (行者亦爾勿離其傍。速成為上。後有畫像亦准此也)

Cì zuǒ huà dà wēilì wū chú sè me míngwáng. Dà fèn nù xíng. Mù chìsè tōng shēn qìng hēisè. Jǔ tǐ yàn qǐ ér yǒu sì bì. Yòu shàngshǒu zhí jiàn. Cì xià juànsuǒ. Zuǒshàng dǎ chē bàng. Xià sāngǔ chā. Qì zhàng shàng bìng yàn qǐ. Rúlái yòu jīngāng bù mǔ me me jī. Duō fà měimào tōng shēn qìng sè. Hú guì hézhǎng gōngjìng bái fú. Bù mǔ yòu xíngzhě. Hú guì liǎngshǒu zhí xiānglú gòngyǎng. Qí xiè wù jīng dǎ wū. Wú máofà zhě. Wù yòng chòu sè jí yǒu mìng zhī sè. Qí huàjiàng měi rì shòu sān guī bā jiè. Chángzhāi jù dà shànxīn xīn yī qīngjié (xíngzhě yì ěr wù lí qí bàng. Sù chéngwéi shàng. Hòu yǒu huàxiàng yì zhǔn cǐ yě)
Then, paint image of Ucchusma Vidyarajni with great strength in wrathful form. His eyes are red and His body is green black. Great flames arise from His four armed body. His upper right hand holds a sword. His lower right hand holds a rope. His upper left hand holds a wand. His lower left hand holds a three peaks vajra.  All holy objects are also enclosed by flames. In the right side of Tathagata (Buddha), paint image Vajra family mother, Mamaki. She has a thick hair and green body. She is kneeling with right knee on the ground and pay homage facing the Buddha. The practioner is on the right side of Mamaki. He/she also kneels down with  right knee on the ground. Both practioner’s hand hold incense offering. His/her robe should always clean and smooth. Don’t wear robe which is smell or made of leather. The painter should take refuge to Triple Jewels and Eight Precepts everyday. He should be vegetarian during that time and develop great compassion. (Everyone who observes these teachings, surely will achieve spiritual realization. The following are further painting instructions that should be observed).
Fù cì wū cǐ xiàng qián. Miàn dōng sòng gēnběn mì yán. Qǐshí jìn yǔ wū rú kūmù. Dāng yìn zhì dǐ. Rúshì xiāng xù mǎn liùshí wàn. Suí jí dēngshān jiànlì qián bìmì màn chá luó. Chí jiàn zuò dà tán. Yòng ā gā lú (chénxiāng yě) chōng chái. Yù jīnhuá hé báitán xiāng shāo zhī zhòuyè. Chéng chí míng xian zhī shǒu dé yīqiè xīde. Yǒu dà wēilì shòu qí rì yuè. Mìng zhōngshēng ā ná jiā luō diǎn gōng.
Furthermore, facing eastern direction practioner should recite root mantra in front of these holy paintings. Practioner should only consume alms food. He/she shouldn’t speak anything as if a piece of wood. When practioner has already got stable foundation, then he should continue by reciting the mantra 600.000 times. He/she should climb to a mountain peak and construct a secret mandala as explained before. He/she should hold a sword during mandala construction. Chen incense (Chenxiang), Yujin flower, dan white sandalwood should be burnt days and nights incesantly. He will attain the leadership of Vidyarajni and attain all spiritual realizations (siddhi). Practioner will get glorious power and his/her life span will be very long like sun and moon. After the end of practioner’s life, he/she will be born in Alakavati Palace.
置訶哩多攞 (雌黃) 或安善那 (眼藥) 或麼曩始攞(雄黃) 或捧。准前作火壇。功力同劍。若乞食於一月內無間念誦。取白月十五日畢。其日。布像敷阿說他 (廣府有之) 於像前加持三金 (金銀赤銅) 娜拏七遍。置上加持持之。焰起劫壽有大威力。一切阿修羅一切夜叉羅剎鬼神諸天皆大順伏。若三金拏一月內加持之日滿。准前加持焰起持之。劫壽身等大威力明王

Ruo Zhì hē li duō luó (cíhuáng) huò ānshàn nà (yǎn yào) huò me nǎng shǐ luó (xiónghuáng) huò pěng. Zhǔn qiánzuò huǒ tán. Gōnglì tóng jiàn. Ruò qǐshí wū yī yuè nèi wújiàn niànsòng. Qǔ bái yuè shíwǔ rì bì. Qí rì. Bù xiàng fū ā shuō tā yè (guǎng fǔ yǒu zhī) wū xiàng qián jiāchí sān jīn (jīnyín chìtóng) nà ná qī biàn. Zhì shàng jiāchí chí zhī. Yàn qǐ jié shòu yǒu dà wēilì. Yīqiè āxiūluó yīqiè yèchā luó shā guǐshén zhū tiān jiē dà shùn fú. Ruò sān jīn ná yī yuè nèi jiāchí zhī rì mǎn. Zhǔn qián jiāchí yàn qǐ chí zhī. Jié shòu shēn děng dà wēilì míngwáng

If practioner uses Liduolo (cihuang), Anshanna (yanyao), Menangshiluo (xionghuang), or Peng, as mentioned above he/she should build a fire altar and it has the same function as sword. If practioner practices pindapata (begging for alms food) during one month incesantly and recites mantra uncountable times, in the Shuklapaksha (from new moon until full moon-please refer to Indian calendar) 15th day, he should cover the painting using A shuo ta leaves. For blessing three kinds of precious metal (gold, silver, and copper), practioner should recite the mantra seven times until fire flares. His/her life span will very long until one kalpa and attain glorious power. All ashuras, yaksas, and gods will obey practioner. After abhiseka of three kinds of precious metals is accomplished, practioner will attain a very long life span and glorious power as Vidyarajni. 
Ruò rén yǐ sān jīn chǔ. Dài nà ná yàn qǐ. Shēn tóng jīngāng shǒu púsà. Ruò yǐ sān jīnlún dài chǔ yàn qǐ. Shēn rú rì huī chéng míng xian zhōng lún wáng
If practioner uses vajra pestle made of three kinds of precious metals and bring flaming ritual firebox, he will have a body of Vajrapani Bodhisattva. If practioner uses wheel (chakra) made of three kinds of  precious metals, he will have a body of chakravartin king (ruler of the world).
Ruò yòu juéshí sān rì. Hēi yuè bā rì bù yáng zhízhú yè. Gé tǎ yè shì. Wū xiàng qián bǔ shā tiě gōu cháng bā zhǐ. Wū yè shàng yòushǒu ér jiāchí. Yàn qǐ zhí zhī dòng shì tǔdì. Wèi tóng dì shì yóuxì sānshísān tiān. Tiānlóng guǐshén qīn fú.
If practioner practices fasting during three days and at Krishnapaksha (fortnight from full moon until new moon) 8th day spreads Yangzhizhu and Geta leaves. Practioner should use an iron hook whose length eight fingers is. With the right hand he/she should hold leaves and iron hook, then empowers them, until ritual fire flares. Afterwards, practioners should make a hole in the ground. In doing so, practioner will be born as Indra and able to roam in the Heaven of 33 gods (Trayatrimsa). All gods and dragons (nagas) will obey him. 
Ruò juéshí yī rì. Hēi yuè bā rì huò shísì rì. Bù ā shuō tā shù qī yè. Wū xiàng qián zhì xiónghuáng wū shàng jiāchí. Yàn qǐ tú zhī chí míng xian. Yān yǐn. Nuǎn rè shànxíng
If practioner practices fasting during one day, at Krishnapaksha 8th or 14th day, he should use seven Ashuotashuqi leaves, place them on Xionghuang (realgar), and doing empowerment. Then smear them. He/she will attain Vidyadhara level. The smoke may conceal practioner and brings good warm and heat.

Ruò wū shāndǐng sòng shí wàn biàn. Tiān dà wēilì wū chú sè me míngwáng xiàn. Shén kě bù wèi zhíxīn wù jù. Yún xū hé zuò bái yán. Báogāfàn chéngjiù yīqiè shì. Dàn qǐ yī yuàn chí míng xian. Huò jiàng ā xiū luó huò zhào zhū tiān jiē xī suíyì.

If in the peak of mountain practioner recites mantra 100.000 times,  Ucchusma Vidyarajni will appear in front of practioner. He looks fierceful but practioner should not afraid of him. Ucchusma will ask practioner, why does he/she summon him and he will deliver this request to Bhagavan (Buddha), so his/her wish can be fullfilled.  Practioner should answer that he/she wishes to be Vidyadhara for conquering Asura (demigods) or summons gods as he/she wishes.


Wū jíxiáng mén shǒu bù xiàng. Sòng sānshí wàn biàn qì. Ā xiū luó nǚ zì chū yíng zhī. Kě jiāng wǔbǎi rén tóng rù. Bǐ bèizuò zhàng shēn biàn gānkū

If the practioner put the image on the lucky door dan melafalkan mantra 30.00 times, ashura ladies will welcome him/she. Practioner may make 500 persons into his/her followers. But if practioner commits sinful things, his body will be withered.


Cì huàxiàng fǎ. Qǔ liǎng zhǒu xiè cǎi huà dà wēilì wū chú sè me míngwáng. Shēn chìsè nù xíng gǒu yá lùchū. Mì mù (rú li yǎn jí shì) fà huángsè shàng chōng. Zuǒ chí chǔ yòu nà ná. Xíngzhě shí bù shí jìng yǔ fǒu. Xiàng qián sòng sānshí wàn biàn suǒzuò jiē bàn

The method to paint an image will be described as following. Take a piece of good quality cloth with the length of two hastas and paint Ucchusma Vidyadhara who posseses great strength. He has red body with protruded fangs which are similar to a dog. His secret eyes are like wild cat’s eyes. He has yellow hairs which are standing like a flame. His left hand holds a Vajra and his right hand holds nana. Whether practioner fastes or not; whether practioner is clean or not, if he/she recites the mantra 30.000 times, all his/her spiritual practices will be accomplished.


Wū jíxiáng mén shǒu. Miàn běi bù xiàng. Xíngzhě miàn nán. Kǔ liàn xīn zuò huǒ tán. Jìn dúyào mò gàizǐ jǐ xuè. Mǎn yīqiān bā xiūluó nǚzǐ shēn rú huǒshāo. Xiàn chángshēng jí diǎn huà yào. Bù shòu yào zhě. Zhū nǚ xiéshǒu tóng rù qí gōng. Xiān yǒumíng zhě wǒ dāng wáng bǐ. Bù wèi nà luóyányè. Lún shòu duō jié. Zūnguì kuàilè shēn yǒu guāng. Zhǒngzhǒng shén biàn mìng zhōngshēng tiān.
If practioner set an holy image on a lucky door which is facing north and he/she is standing toward southern direction; then Kulian wood should be used to ignite up fire altar. Use also poisonous medicine, mustard seed, and his/her own blood. Practioner should recite the mantra 1.080 times and ashura ladies whose bodies are encompassed by flames will appear in front of practioner and bestow practioner with long life and magical transformation medicine. If practioner declines to accept those medicines, ashura ladies will invite practioner to their palace and he/she will become their lord.  Practioner should not be bothered again by Naluoyan (Narayana ?) matters. He/she may live for many kalpas.  He/she will have a happy and noble life. His/her body will be bright. Practioner is endowed by many magical abitilites and he/she will be reborn in realm of gods.


Wū jíxiáng mén shǒu bù xiàng. Zuò huǒ tán shāo xiè huázi. Yīqiān bā mǎn sān rì. Nǎi jié gēnběn biàn zhì yìn. Bǐ mén jí kāi wú zhàng ér rù.
If practioner sets holy image on the lucky door and practices fire ritual using Xiehua seeds 1.008 times during three days. At that time practioner should form main mudra of throwing. As the result, that door will open and he/she may enter it without any difficulties.

Yǒu lóng shuǐ àn bù xiàng. Zuò huǒ tán shāo yán mǎn yīqiān bā. Lóng chū shòumìng suíyì qūshǐ
If practioner put holy image near watery places and accompanied by dragons. He/she should perform fire ritual 1.008 times using salt. Then dragons will appear in front of  practioner and willing to be his/her followers.

Xiān juéshí sān rì. Zhì xiàng chén míng chái (táng yán gōuqǐ) zuò huǒ tán. Gàizǐ yóu hé gàizǐ shāo mǎn yīqiān bā. Néng zhào yīqiè rén tiān
If practioner performs fasting three days, sets a holy image and practices fire ritual using Gouqi fruit, mustard seed and oil 1.008 times, he/she will have ability to invite all humans and gods.


Yǐ yán chéng xī dǐ li zhì xiàng. Zuò huǒ tán piàn piàn gē jìn huǒ zhōng. Rì sān shí lìng jǐn mǎn qī rì. Chēng míng bǎi yóuxún nèi zhì
If practioner draws  a hero image using salt, then he/she performs fire ritual using that image which is already cut into pieces and thrown into fire, three times every day. As the result, in 7 days a hero will appear from 100 yojanas away. 

Yǐ zhū tiānkōng cí miào zhōng bù xiàng. Ā shuō tā xīn zuò huǒ tán. Kǔ liàn yè hé gàizǐ yóu. Jìn qízhōng yīqiān bā biàn rì sān shí. Jīng qī rì jí yǒu tiānshén lái xiàn. Yún zuò héshì suíyì qūshǐ. Ruò xiān juéshí sān rì. Yǐ hēi yuè bā rì huò shísì rì. Wū dà zìzài tiānwáng qián shí líng qié nán. Yǐ yòushǒu yǎn shàng jiāchí. Xūyú yǒu dà shēng zhě. Sān tiānwáng xiàn shòu qūshǐ. Bù xiàn bǐ shēn gānkū. Ruò zhǔn qián xiān sān rì juéshí. Hēi yuè bā rì huò shísì rì. Bù xiàng zuò huǒ tán. Jìn yáng zhízhú huā yīqiān bā biàn. Yòu zhí qí huā jiāchí yībiàn. Zhì dǎ yèchā nǚ xī. Jí xiāng jìng
If practioner sets holy image on a god temple, performs fire ritual using Ashuota wood, Gulian leaves, and mustard oil, and then recite mantra 1.008 times, three times every days. In 7 days, that god will appear in front of practioner and ready to be his/her follower. If practioner does fasting for 3 days, on 8th or 14th of Krishnapaksha, before the holy stone of Dazizai God, and using right hand to empower it, he/she will hear a very loud sound. Three kings of gods will appear in front of practioner  and willing to be his/her followers.  Should they not come, their body will be withered.

If practioner fasts for three days at Krishnapaksha 8th or 14th day, he should set the holy image and performs fire ritual using Yangzhizhu flower 1.080 times. If he/she consecrates one more flower and strike it to the knee of a yaksa woman, then she will be practioner’s retinue.


Yào chángshēng yào yǎn yào jīnyín bǎoyù děng. Xījiē cóngmìng. Ruò yǐ qū tuó luó mù zuō sāngǔ chā. Juéshí sān rì yǐ rì yuèshí shí. Hán lín zhōng bù xiàng. Yǐ xiānghuā yǐnshí guǎng yǐ gòngyǎng. Yòushǒu chí chā jiāchí zhī. Chā yàn qǐzhǐ. Hòu wū yè fēn shù chā wū de. Qī bǎo tángyǔ xiàn shì rénqián. Tiānnǚ bīnfēn chōngmǎn qí chù. Yún yù hé suǒzuò. Gēwǔ yīnyuè zhǒngzhǒng qūshǐ. Jiāng xiǎo qù chā rúgù. Ruò qǔ yī shī wú hén zhě. Xǐyù zhī zhì dàhé cè. Shǒu dōng yǎngwò. Rì zhèngwǔ sìmiàn gè lìng yī zhàngfū zhídāo érlì. Xíngzhě shī xīn shàng zuò. Qǔ xiónghuáng nèi shī kǒuzhōng jiāchí zhī. Yào ruò biàn rè. Yīqiè guì jìng. Yān yǐn. Guāng shēng kōng
If practioner wishes to get medicine for longevity, bright eyes, gold, silver etc; then these wishes will be fulfilled. If practioner uses Qutuoluo to form a three peaks Vajra and performs fasting during three days, at the eclipse of sun or moon, sets the holy image in a cemetary and offers incese, flowers, food, and beverage; then he/ she should hold three peaks Vajra with his/ her right hand, recites mantra until fire bursts from it. He should thrust the vajra to the earth. A building made of seven precious stones will appear in front of him/ her. This building will be filled by many godesses. They will do every practioner’s command, such as asking them to sing, dance, etc.  If practioner visits a crematorium and find acarless corpse; he should bath that corpse in the river bank. Its face should be upward and its head lays toward eastern direction. In the middle of the day, practioner should command four men, each holds a cleaver, standing in four directions. Practioner then sits on the corpse’s heart. He should put Xionghuang (name of medicinal substance-translator) in the corpse’s mouth and mantrafy it. If heat appears in that Xionghuang, he/she will get all precious things. If smoke appears, he/ she will become invisible. If light appears, practioner will be able to fly to the sky.


Juéshí sān rì. Hēi yuè bā rì huò shísì rì. Bù xiàng guǎng chén gòngyǎng. Yǐ ā shū jiā mù hé. Shèng sù lǔ (èr hé) dàn (yǐn) zhàn nǎng yào (cǐ shì yào míng dài chì hēisè. Zhòng bǐ jīn chū tiānzhú. Mò tú mù zhōng yǎngshì rì néng duó qí guāng. Jiàn rì zhōng yǒu zhě wéi zhēn ěr) zhì xiàng qián jiāchí zhī. Rè guì jìng. Yān shēng dùn xíng. Yàn qǐ chí míng xiān. Shēn guāng rú rì yuánmǎn kě'ài shòu qīqiān suì

If practioner fasts for three days at Krishnapaksha 8th or 14th day, sets the holy image and arranges many offerings; he/ she should use Ashujia wood and Shengsuludanzhannang medicine (a medicinal substance whose color is dark red. It is more precious than gold and originated from Inda. If somebody puts this medicine to his/ her eyes and stares at the sun, then those eyes will not be damaged at all. Such is a kind of autheticity test for this medicine). Practioner should put the offerings in front of holy image to consecrate them. If heat appears, practioner will get all precious things. If smoke appears, practioner will be invisible. If fire appears, practioner will become Vidyadara with a brilliant body. He/ she will have a lifespan of 7.000 years.

To be continued...